Here you’ll find links to books, web sites, other writers, and organizations that are helpful to teachers, kids, writers of all kinds–and fun sites for book lovers of all sorts.
1. FOR EDUCATORS_______________
- John F. Kennedy Center for Performing Arts “Partners in Education” Touring Program.This program provides resources for schools interested in professional development for teachers using an arts-integrated approach to learning. Amy will be one of 30 artists available to teach workshops nationally.
- Common Core/ELA “What does good student work aligned to the Common Core look like?”
A very useful web site called Achieve the Core, created by Student Achievement Partners, lead writers of the Common Core State Standards, contains ELA Classroom Tools: Lessons, Samples, Assessments.
The “Samples” section contains a link to download student writing that greatly expands the CCSS writing samples appendix with many more examples, all annotated to show how they align with CCSS.
- Looking for a Maine writer? Try here.

2. FOR KIDS___________________
To Work on Your Writing
• Japanese Haiku Poetry Resources
• Amy MacDonald’s monthly Writing Tips. Here’s Tip #1.
• Write or Die The solution to writer’s block!
• NaNoWriMo for Young Writers. National Novel Writing Month. Force yourself to write 1,000 words a day by joining with other writers each November.
[With thanks to students and teachers who send me their favorite sites. ]
To Publish Your Writing
• Scholastic’s “Kids Are Authors” Competition. This is an annual competition open to Grades K–8.
• Stone Soup Magazine is a national magazine that publishes the art and writing of children up to age 13.
• Check your local PBS station to see if they are one that has a yearly contest for young writers and illustrators.
• River of Words runs a yearly student poetry and art competition for ages 5-19, generally on outdoors themes. This is a wonderful web site, with resources for both students and teachers.
3. FOR WRITERS_________________
Good Books on Writing for Children
• Writing Picture Books by Ann Whitford Paul (Writer’s Digest Books).
Revised and expanded in 2018. Readable, very practical.
• How to Write a Children’s Book and Get It Published by Barbara Seuling (2004).
Good all-round writing–and illustrating–advice, if somewhat dated now in the publishing section.
Good Organizations for Fiction Writers
• Society for Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators, a national membership organization that will answer ALL your questions in greater depth than I can.
• Maine Writers and Publishers Alliance in Portland, Maine, has writing retreats and workshops for writers of all levels (including children’s writers), a great newsletter, and is just a general all-around great resource for writers. (Join!)
Writing Tools
• NaNoWriMo. National Novel Writing Month. Force yourself to write 1,000 words a day by joining with other masochists each November.
• Write or Die The solution to writer’s block!
. Digital Tools A selection of tech-based tools and web sites to help writers (suggested to me by librarian Skye Olley and her student assistant Karissa).
4. FOR BOOK LOVERS______________
Favorite Maine Authors
A sampling of writers in different genres (except children’s, because there are just too many to list):
• Monica Wood. Fantastic novelist, playwright, and short story writer. Her web site has good writing tips.
• Wes McNair. Maine’s best poet. Ever.
• Paul Doiron. Great series of crime novels set in the Maine woods.
Favorite Maine Bookstores
Longfellow Books and Print: A Bookstore. Favorite idependent Portland bookstores. Go here to buy my books locally.
5. More Links (Sent in by Kids and Parents)
Drakensang: Links to classic fairy tales, fables, and folklore (thanks Andy!)
Bedtime Favorites: Nursery Rhymes
“Bedtime Stories for Kids” (a bit too much online reading–versus actual book reading–but interesting)“Children Who Can Read, But Don’t…” Good advice on getting kids to read more from Reading Is Fundamental Scribendi: Writing Resources: A Guide To Writing Basics For older writers: articles and resources on everything from writing the persuasive essay to proofreading. Thanks to Ava Barnes for sending. Grammar Resources and General Writing Tips. For grammar nuts and those looking for some writing exercises. (Thanks, Ava!)
Writing Careers: The Business Behind Becoming an Author. Tips on what path to follow toward a writing career and such things as whether to self-publish or not. (Thanks to Anna for this, and children’s librarian LouAnn Taylor!)