Explore Amy’s Books

Amy’s books have won awards in three countries and been translated into 28 different languages. The following links let you learn about how her books were made, awards they’ve won, and how to order individual copies.
Ordering Books
Individual copies may be found by clicking on the links under “Explore Amy’s Books” above. (To order multiple copies for school visits, see below.)
Multiple copies for school visits (40% discount; free shipping):
Little Beaver and the Echo ISBN: 978-0698116283 Penguin/Random House: 1-800-733-3000
Rachel Fister’s Blister: ISBN 0-39565744X Houghton Mifflin Harcourt: 1-800-225-3362 x 1
Cousin Ruth’s Tooth: Order paperback directly from the author.
Quentin Fenton Herter III: Order hardcover directly from the author.
No More Nice/No More Nasty. Order dual paperback directly from the author.
No More Nasty: Order hardcover directly from the author.
Videos with Amy
Click here for Storytime with Tea #1: Rachel Fister’s Blister, read by author Amy MacDonald